Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

In the pursuit of socio-economic development and holistic progress, the Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag (Department of Planning and Development) in Bihar plays a pivotal role. This department is instrumental in formulating, implementing, and monitoring various schemes, programs, and initiatives aimed at uplifting communities, improving infrastructure, and fostering sustainable growth. This beginner’s guide delves into the significance, objectives, features, and benefits of the Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag in Bihar. Join us as we explore the comprehensive efforts that contribute to the state’s progress. (Let’s see parivahan-vibhaag article)

Yojana Aur Vikaas as a Vibhaag

bihar Vibhaag

Aim of Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

The primary aim of the Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag in Bihar is to strategize and execute programs that drive the state’s socio-economic development. The department focuses on addressing various challenges faced by the state’s population, such as poverty, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and employment. Through meticulously designed schemes, the department aims to create a positive impact on the lives of Bihar’s citizens.

Need for Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

The need for a dedicated department like Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag stems from the complexities and diversities of development. Bihar, like many other states, faces unique challenges that require targeted efforts. The department’s existence ensures that development initiatives are coordinated, resources are optimally utilized, and progress is equitable across different regions and sections of the population.

Features of Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

The Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag features several characteristics that contribute to its effectiveness:

  1. Strategic Planning: The department engages in strategic planning to identify key areas of development and allocate resources accordingly.
  2. Policy Formulation: It formulates policies that align with the state’s development goals and address the needs of the people.
  3. Implementation Oversight: Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag monitors the effective implementation of various schemes to ensure they achieve their intended objectives.
  4. Resource Allocation: The department allocates financial resources, human capital, and technical expertise to different development projects.
  5. Data-Driven Approach: Data and research play a crucial role in guiding the department’s decision-making process, enabling informed choices.

List of Yojana/Abhiyan/Program/Seva in Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

  1. Mukhyamantri Vikas Yojana: A comprehensive scheme aimed at holistic development by focusing on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and more.
  2. Bihar Skill Development Mission: A program to enhance skills and employability among the youth, leading to better job opportunities.
  3. Jal Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan: Focused on water conservation, afforestation, and creating a sustainable environment.
  4. Balika Protsahan Yojana: An initiative to encourage girls’ education and provide financial support to deserving students.
  5. Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal: A mission to provide piped water supply to every household, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water.
  6. Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (JEEViKA): A comprehensive rural development program that empowers women through self-help groups.
  7. Mukhyamantri Kanya Utthan Yojana: Promotes the welfare of girl children and ensures their all-round development.
  8. Bihar Integrated Social Protection Strengthening (BISPS): Aims to improve the quality of life for marginalized communities through social protection measures.
  9. Jeevika Didi: Empowering rural women by providing them with sustainable livelihood opportunities and entrepreneurship training.
  10. Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme: Ensures access to education loans for students pursuing higher education, enabling them to achieve their academic dreams.

Benefits of Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag

  1. Holistic Development: The department’s initiatives contribute to the holistic development of individuals, communities, and regions.
  2. Poverty Alleviation: By addressing various socio-economic challenges, the department helps uplift marginalized sections of society.
  3. Education Enhancement: Schemes like Balika Protsahan Yojana and Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme contribute to improved education outcomes.
  4. Employment Generation: Skill development programs and entrepreneurial initiatives create avenues for meaningful employment.
  5. Healthcare Access: Initiatives like Mukhyamantri Kanya Utthan Yojana and healthcare-related programs improve overall health and well-being.


The Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag in Bihar stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to holistic progress. Through carefully crafted schemes, programs, and initiatives, the department addresses challenges and paves the way for a brighter future. As the wheels of development continue to turn, the Yojana Aur Vikaas Vibhaag remains steadfast in its mission to uplift lives, bridge gaps, and create a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. It’s a journey of collaboration, innovation, and determination—a journey that holds the promise of a prosperous Bihar for generations to come.

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