DBT Agriculture

kishan anudan

In the heartland of India lies Bihar, a state known for its agrarian economy and rich farming heritage. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the …

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Kisan Anudan

kishan anudan

In a country like India, where agriculture forms the backbone of the economy, ensuring the well-being of farmers is of utmost importance. In line with …

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Mukhyamantri Parivar Labh Yojana

Mukhyamantri Parivar Labh Yojana

In an effort to provide support to families during times of unexpected tragedies, the Bihar government has launched the Mukhyamantri Parivar Labh Yojana. Under this …

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Mukhyamantri Matsy Vipanan Yojana

Mukhyamantri Matsy Vipanan Yojana

In a remarkable move aimed at transforming Bihar’s fish trade, the state government has introduced the “Mukhyamantri Matsy Vipanan Yojana.” This visionary initiative has been …

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Krshi Yantreekaran Yojana

kishan anudan

In a significant stride towards modernizing agriculture and improving the lives of our hardworking farmers, the government has introduced the “Krshi Yantreekaran Yojana” – a …

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Kharif Fasal Sahayata Yojana

kishan anudan

In the vibrant and agrarian state of Bihar, the Kharif Fasal Sahayata Yojana stands as a beacon of hope for farmers, providing them with essential …

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Ravi Fasal Sahayata Yojana

kishan anudan

Agriculture forms the backbone of our nation’s economy, and it plays a crucial role in providing livelihoods to millions of people. In the pursuit of …

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Diesel Anudan

kishan anudan

In a country like India, where agriculture is the backbone of the economy, supporting farmers becomes paramount. Recognizing this, the government of Bihar has introduced …

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