Seven Nischay for Viksit Bihar

Bihar, with its rich history and cultural heritage, has long been striving for comprehensive development. To propel the state into a new era of progress and prosperity, the government introduced the “Seven Nischay” program. This visionary initiative is designed to address various socio-economic challenges and bring about transformative changes across sectors. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the key aspects of the Seven Nischay program, from its aims and features to the application procedure and benefits.

Seven Niscahy as a Bihar Gov Intiative

Seven Nischay for Viksit Bihar

Section 1: Aims of the Seven Nischay Program

The foundation of any successful initiative lies in a clear set of aims and objectives. The Seven Nischay program is no different. The primary aim of this program is to catapult Bihar onto the path of inclusive growth and sustainable development. The program focuses on uplifting various sectors that are crucial for the state’s progress, including education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, and employment. By addressing these core areas, the government envisions creating a better quality of life for the people of Bihar.

Section 2: The Need for the Seven Nischay Program

Before the introduction of the Seven Nischay program, Bihar faced numerous challenges such as high dropout rates in schools, inadequate healthcare facilities, unemployment, and underdeveloped infrastructure. These issues hindered the state’s progress and hindered the potential for growth. Recognizing the urgent need for comprehensive reforms, the government introduced this program to tackle these challenges head-on and drive positive change.

Section 3: Features of the Seven Nischay Program

The Seven Nischay program is a multi-faceted approach that encompasses a range of features aimed at addressing the state’s pressing issues. Some of the key features include:

  1. Kaushal Yuva Program (KYP): This initiative focuses on skill development and employment generation for the youth, enabling them to contribute effectively to the state’s economy.
  2. Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal: Ensuring access to clean and potable water to every household in Bihar, thereby improving the overall quality of life.
  3. Aarakshit Rojgar Mahila: Empowering women through reserved jobs in the government sector, enhancing gender equality and women’s participation in the workforce.
  4. Har Ghar Bijli Lagataar: Providing consistent electricity supply to households, stimulating economic activities and improving the standard of living.
  5. Shauchalay Nirman, Ghar Ka Samman: Constructing toilets to promote hygiene and eradicate open defecation, leading to better health and sanitation.
Part-1 (From 2015) Seven Nichay Part-2 (from 2020)
Economic solution, youth power 1 Youth power, progress of Bihar
Reserved employment, rights for women 2 Strong woman strong woman
Power supply to every house 3 Water for irrigation of every field
Tap water in every house 4 Clean village prosperous village
Driveway to house 5 Clean city, developed city
Toilet construction, respect for the house. 6 Easy connectivity
Opportunities grow, read more 7 Health care for all

Official Poster

List of Seven Nischay

  • 1) Aarthik Hal, Yuvao ko Bal (आर्थिक हल, युवाओ को बल)
    1. Bihar Student Credit Card
    2. MNSSBY  (Mukhyamantri Sway Shayeta Berojgari Bhatta Yojana)
    3. KYP (Kushal Yuva Progarm)

  • 3) Har Ghar, Bijli Yojana (हर घर, बिजली योजना)

  • 4) Har Ghar, Nal ka Jal (हर घर, नल का जल)

  • 5) Ghar tak Paki Gali Nali (घर तक पक्की गली नाली)

Section 4: Application Procedure of the Seven Nischay Program

To make the benefits of the Seven Nischay program accessible to all eligible citizens of Bihar, a streamlined application procedure is in place. Interested individuals can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Log on to the official Seven Nischay website to access information about the various programs and their eligibility criteria.
  2. Register: Create an account on the portal using your personal details, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  3. Choose the Program: Select the specific program you wish to apply for, based on your eligibility and interest.
  4. Submit Documents: Upload the required documents, such as identification proof, educational certificates, and other relevant papers.
  5. Verification and Approval: The submitted documents will be reviewed by the authorities, and if found eligible, your application will be approved.
  6. Receive Benefits: Once approved, you will start receiving the benefits of the selected program, contributing to your personal and the state’s development.

Section 5: Application of the Seven Nischay Program

The impact of the Seven Nischay program extends across various sectors, leading to tangible improvements in the lives of Bihar’s citizens. Let’s delve into how the program is being applied in different areas:

  1. Education: Through initiatives like “Aarthik Hal, Yuvaon ko Bal,” the government is focused on reducing school dropout rates by providing financial assistance and incentives to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
  2. Healthcare: The “Har Ghar Bijli Lagataar” initiative has facilitated the establishment of medical facilities with consistent electricity supply, enhancing healthcare services and accessibility for rural communities.
  3. Agriculture: The “Saat Nischay” program under the Seven Nischay umbrella emphasizes modernizing agricultural practices, promoting organic farming, and enhancing farmers’ income.
  4. Infrastructure: The “Aarakshit Rojgar Mahila” initiative not only empowers women but also contributes to developing the state’s infrastructure by increasing women’s participation in construction and development projects.

Section 6: Benefits of the Seven Nischay Program

The Seven Nischay program has already started yielding significant benefits for Bihar. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Quality of Life: With access to clean water, electricity, and better healthcare facilities, the overall quality of life for Bihar’s citizens has improved.
  2. Employment Opportunities: The program’s emphasis on skill development and job creation has led to increased employment opportunities for the youth, reducing unemployment rates.
  3. Enhanced Infrastructure: The program’s initiatives are contributing to the development of essential infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public facilities, promoting connectivity and growth.
  4. Women Empowerment: The focus on women’s participation in the workforce and their economic empowerment has led to greater gender equality and social progress.


The Seven Nischay program stands as a beacon of hope for Bihar, illuminating a path toward comprehensive development and transformation. With its well-defined aims, strategic features, accessible application process, and tangible benefits, this initiative has the potential to uplift the state and its people to new heights. As Bihar continues its journey towards progress, the Seven Nischay program remains a testament to the power of visionary governance and the impact of focused efforts. Through collective determination and sustained implementation, the program paves the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the state and its citizens.

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