Gate Upsc

In this section we can upload/update for all Entrance Exam eContent related “UG”. Here all top exam includes like

    • Medical Degree: NEET PG (for MD/MS), JIMPER PG, NEET MDS (Master in Dental Science), PGIMER (Postgraduate Institude of Medical Education & Research),
    • Medical Diploma (after mbbs): DNB (Diploma in National Board), DGO (Diploma in Glycology & obstishan), DCH (Diploma in Child Health), DMRD, DA
  • Engineering: IIT JAM, JEST, TIFR, GATE, ESE/IES (Engineering Services Examination / Indian Engineering Services),
  • Mangement: CAT (Common Admission Test), MAT (Mangement Aptitude Test), GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test),
  • Accountancy: CPT (Common Proficiencey Test),
  • Law: CLAT (Common Law Admission Test), LSAT (Law School Admission Test),
  • Design: CEED (Common Entrance Exam For Design),
  • Other: BITSAT, IPU CET, TISSNET, NEST (for 5yrs integrated msc), CUSAT CAT, BHU PET, CUCET, GRE (Graduate Record Examination for abraod study), XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test), UPSC, IESE (Indian Economic Service Exma) / ISSE (Indian Statistical Service Exam), CDS (Combined Defence Services Exam), RBI Grade B Exam, SBI PO, IBPS PO, SSC CGL (Staff Selection Combined Graduate Level), TET (Teacher Exam), Railway Entrance Exam, LIC AAO, ATC-AAI (Air Trafic Control- Airport Authority of India), Indian Army University Exam, AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and many more.

Note: Before seeing this list, Accounding to requirement i was previously discuss some Inter Entrance Exam in the article of “Inter eContent” So, Please before seeing this You can refer “IIT/NEET” article because those i can previously discuss that are ecape in this list.

Since the list is too long so, here we can discuss only few (“Selection on the basis of top demanding in market”):

Sector   Entrance Exam Conducted By Subject
Medical NEET PG NBE Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Social And Preventive Medicine, General Medicine Including Dermatology And Venereology & Psychiatry, General Surgery Including Orthopedics & Anaesthesia & Radio Diagnosis, Obstetrics And Gynaecology, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology
PGIMER INI CET Applied Anatomy, Applied Biochemistry, Immunogenetics and Molecular Biology, Applied Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Social and Preventive Medicine, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Radio-Diagnosis, Obesity and Gynaecology, Radio Therapy, General Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics.
Engg UG IIT JAM IITs Varying for different stream
UG JEST SERB Varying for different stream
UG/PG TIFR TIFR Hydrabad Varying for different stream
UG GATE IISC & IITs Varying for different stream
ESE/IES UPSC Varying for different stream
Management CAT IIMs Varying for different stream
MAT AIMA Varying for different stream
GMAT GMAC Varying for different stream
Accountancy CPT Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Varying for different stream
Law CLAT NLUs Varying for different stream
LSAT Pearson VUE Varying for different stream
Civil Services UPSC UPSC Varying for different stream

List of “UG Level Entrance Exam”

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